Thursday, February 6, 2014

BUild GOd, Then We'll Talk - what-do-you-mean!?

Okay, this is going to be a quick random post like I think I've been doing recently or something. Gah, I don't Know. Anywho, I'm a huge Panic! at the Disco fan! And one of my favorite songs by them is the title of this post -

Build God, Then We'll Talk
Which I know what the lyrics mean thanks to song meanings , it's about a hooker, and a horrible cheating husband. The hooker gets caught by the police when she spills her bag while leaving trashy motel .. . but the music video is erotic, and I don't know different.
I've tried googling what the music video means, and even read some YouTube videos, but none were satisfactory enough.
So, I'm unsure who actually reads my posts nowadays, but whoever you are. Would you be ever so kind to watch this video and give me your perspective?

OH yeah, and sorry the video is uncomfortably sleazy :)

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