Friday, September 6, 2013

First Kisses : Ask Ony #1

Hello, Onyees! I'm finally doing an Ask Ony! It didnt really turn out the way I wished , but when does that ever happen to anyone? I didn't get a load of questions :( , but i did get one from Alex! Isn't that amazing when you have a great blogger friend like that? So i decided to just make an entire in-depth post helping her out :)

First kisses :) Well, my first kiss was playing truth or dare, so it wasn't that amazing! But, here's some advice that I would personally take, if I was certain to be smooched some time that day -

    Hygiene -

I know this should go without speaking, but seriously think of it, like this. There will be a boy, an very attractive boy (I hope he's attractive ;) ) who's going to be all up in your space. I know we're only talking about a kiss, not a full know. So this usually lasts a few seconds, but make it perfect! Don't expext disney fireworks, but
Brush your teeth - Minty fresh is always nice
Wash your face -   I'm not saying you'll be abke to instantly rid your face for flaws, just keep in mind if he opens his eyes, it's like a magnifying glass
A sprits of perfume is always wonderful also!

    Relax -

I cant emphasive on this enough! Take a few deep breaths and if your confident of your appearance the rest of you will get the memo . I'm pretty sure you dont want an awkward nose butting kiss (oh, yea tilt tour head to the side! Only a little !)
This will all be a blissful blur and i know if a give you a full blown list of do'sand dont's it'll only freak you out more!

I believe in you!

Smiley Face,

- This is a great example of how the interent support group will work out. I answering your questions, and giving my insight to situations. Just us talking back and forth! :) 


  1. Okay, thank you so much!! I really appreciate you doing this post for me. I'm super excited! :)

    1. Ur very welcome, Alex :) I hope I helped you out

  2. I remember my first kiss... It was a nightmare and I was so traumatized, lol. I was only 11, so I was way too young anyway.

  3. Lol I'll definitely keep some of these things in mind when it comes time for me to have my first kiss. Great post!
    By the way, I nominated you for the Liebster Award! :D


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